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Jordi Albós Sánchez

Jordi Albós Sánchez

Director vCard

Jordi Albós is a Director at the Corporate Department of the Barcelona office of Andersen.

He previously worked at at Ceca Magán, Dentons and J.M. Gestión Empresarial.

Jordi Albós has 25 years of experience as a lawyer specializing in Corporate and Commercial Law and M&A, having participated in major transactions in the industrial, commercial, education, tourism and financial sectors. He has assisted in the internationalization of national companies and in advising foreign entities in their implementation and acquisitions in Spain, with extensive knowledge in the real estate field. 


  • Degree in Law, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Postgraduate Degree in Professional Practice of Law, School of Legal Practice of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Academia and business

  • Barcelona BAR Association, ICAB


  • Spanish
  • English
  • French
  • Catalan

Kompetenzen Handelsrecht und M&A

Büro Barcelona

Telefonnummer +34 931 311 444



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