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The impact of globalization on the audiovisual sector and the necessary collaboration of the domestic market with the international industry

| News | Culture, Sports & Entertainment

Andersen's Culture, Sport and Entertainment area organised an international meeting with representatives of the audio-visual industry from Miami and the United Kingdom to facilitate networking between national producers and international industry agents

The Andersen Culture, Sport and Entertainment team organised an international meeting with experts from the audio-visual sector to strengthen the links between Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Patricia Motilla, partner and director of the area explained the importance of collaboration between these three cornerstones as globalisation is having a direct impact on the audiovisual industry and therefore national production must be closely connected to the international industry.

During the networking session, the speakers, Patricia Motilla, Adrian Wootton OBE, CEO of Film London & British Film Commission (BFC), Helena Mackenzie, Director of Inward Investment & Business Development at Film London, Teresa Azcona, Vice President of the Spain Film Commission, Stewart MacKinnon, producer, Patricia Arias, Director of Miami Media and Film Market (MMFM) and Executive Director of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the United States (CAMACOL) and John Macho, senior partner of Find Your Muse Entertainment, shared their experiences, concerns and difficulties in finding financing with the rest of the producers present, senior partner of Find Your Muse Entertainment, shared with the other producers present their experiences, concerns and difficulties in finding financing, with special emphasis on how all these agents must collaborate with each other to achieve optimal production planning in order to capture the highest percentage of financing thanks to the tax benefits and incentives in each country.

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