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“Thank you for joining Zoom. You're fired.”

| News | Employment Law and Social Security
The combination of the economic crisis and forced teleworking has caused scenes in many companies in recent months, with the aggravating factor that redundancies have been processed through online platforms. This was the case in May when 3,500 Uber employees received a message inviting them to join a Zoom video call. In it, the Customer Service Director, Ruffin Chaveleau, informed them that they had had to make big cuts and that this would be their last day at work. Another American firm, WW International, similarly dismissed 4,000 workers.
In Spain, several companies have followed this example and, beyond the questionable nature of the system, the truth is that online notification can pose numerous problems for them from a legal point of view. Unlike in Anglo-Saxon countries, our legislation does not allow for verbal dismissal. "The law provides for formal requirements that must be complied with at all times," warns Alfredo Aspra, a partner at Andersen. These are detailed in the Workers' Statute and are three: that the communication be in writing; that the reasons and date of the termination be explained; and that notification of the termination be accredited.
You can see the full article at El País.
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