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Start of the 5th Course for Compliance Officers in the pharmaceutical industry
| News | Corporate Compliance
Farmaforum Formación and Andersen inaugurated on 22 January the fifth edition of the advanced course on 'Compliance officers in the pharmaceutical and related industries'. After the success of the four previous editions held in Madrid and Barcelona, this year the course will be held in online format for nine days until 19 March.
The course is being taught online to ensure health measures, offering content focused on expanding and consolidating knowledge of compliance, with examples that illustrate and deepen the topics covered throughout the course.
The programme combines all the legal aspects of compliance in an optimal way and has more than ten professionals from important companies in the pharmaceutical sector such as AstraZeneca, GE Healthcare and Novartis Farmacéutica and organisations and institutions such as Farmaindustria or the CNMC, who will transfer their knowledge and experience to the students based on numerous practical examples.
The full program can be downloaded here.
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