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José Vicente Morote, appointed member of Andersen's new European Management Committee

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Andersen has announced the creation of the European Management Committee and has appointed José Vicente Morote, Co-Managing Partner of Andersen in Iberia, as a member of this steering committee, which will be responsible for the establishment and development of the strategy in our region.
With this new appointment of José Vicente, our Iberia office takes on a key position to contribute to the short, medium and long term success of the organisation.
The Committee, appointed with the approval of Andersen Global Chairman Mark Vorsatz, will be composed of Paolo Mondia, Andrea De Vecchi, José Vicente Morote, Maricla Pennesi, Alessio Rossi, Katarina Kresal and Paul Finlan.
The members of the Committee have been chosen on the basis of their role within the organisation, their experience and expertise in the specific fields that the new management body has identified to achieve its objectives. The management of Andersen Global has emphasised that the participation, support and commitment of all the members of the group will be key in the management of such a complex region as Europe.
José Vicente is also a member of Andersen's Global Board, the highest management body of Andersen Global in charge of setting the strategic lines of development and management of the firm, and Coordinator of Andersen's Legal Service Lines in Europe.
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