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Completion of the II Compliance Officers Course

| Events | Corporate Compliance
Last Friday, December 1st, the second Compliance Officers course, organised by Farmaforum Formación and Andersen Tax & Legal, ended, after nine days of content related to the world of pharmaceutical compliance
Following the success of the first edition, Farmaforum Formación and Andersen Tax & Legal organised the second Compliance Officers meeting. The course, which began at the end of September, was aimed at developing a quality compliance model and a study of crime prevention and other possible infractions.
The programme optimally combined legal and pharmaceutical perspectives which help to meet the legal and corporate requirements of a compliance model. In this way, the objectives of the course on the study of crime prevention and other violations of the Codes of Good Practice have been met, as well as the development and improvement of an effective compliance programme.
The teachers, made up of more than 25 professionals from companies such as Celgene, Teva, Astra Zéneca or Pfizer, has had the best reviews of all 15 students enrolled. They highlighted the presentation skills, the breadth of knowledge and the many practical examples provided by their many years of experience.
The third edition of the Compliance Officer course is under way and will take place next year.
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