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Andersen Tax & Legal participates in the VI edition of Golf & Law

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On September 27 Andersen Tax & Legal participated in the VI edition of the charity golf tournament Golf & Law that took place at the golf course of the Financial City of Santander. The day was attended by 100 lawyers from major law firms such as Allen & Overy, Ashurst, Baker McKenzie, CMS Albiñana and Suarez de Lezo, Cuatrecasas, Deloitte, DLA Pipper, EY, Freshfields, Garrigues, Herbert Smith, Jones Day, King & Wood Mallesons, Lener, Linklaters, Ontier, Pérez-Llorca, Pinsent Masons, PwC, Uría Menéndez and Hogan Lovells, who took the trophy to their offices.
The proceeds came to 19,550 euros and will be donated to different foundations and associations such as Músicos en Acción, Fundación Primitivo Lázaro y María Carrasco and Cultural Norte Joven. These institutions will present the projects to which they are going to allocate the money received at an event to be held at the Madrid headquarters of the Botín Foundation.
During the day, tribute was paid to the Spanish golfer Celia Barquín, allocating part of the proceeds to NGOs chosen by her family. According to Javier Vinuesa, partner of Andersen Tax & Legal and Ignacio Ruiz-Cámara, partner of Allen & Overy and both members of the organizing committee of Golf & Law: "Celia Barquín was a great sportswoman and student so she embodied all the values that Golf & Law wants to promote”.
You can read the article in Expansión.
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