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Andersen joins the Arbitration Protocol of the Madrid Regional Community

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Javier Mata signs the agreement for the promotion and dissemination of arbitration in the field of urban property leasing which joins Andersen to nine other institutions that join the Arbitration Council for Leasing of the Community of Madrid

Andersen has joined the protocol for the promotion and dissemination of arbitration in urban property leasing matters of the Arbitration Council for Leasing of the Community of Madrid.

Javier Mata, Andersen's senior partner and director of the Madrid office, has participated in the signing of the agreement with which the firm is committed to continue offering its clients arbitration as a fully valid form of conflict resolution.

Along with Andersen, Delegaltessen, Maio Legal, Simmons and Simmons and Velez-Urbina have also signed the Protocol, joining an agreement to which SAREB, Gabinete Legal and Lawyers and Arbitrators ML have already signed. During the event, both the representatives of the Community of Madrid and the law firms signing the protocols placed special emphasis on the arbitration formula, a great and effective alternative to ordinary jurisdiction, which allows agreements to be reached without the need for court litigation.

By signing the agreement, the firms have undertaken to participate together with the Arbitration Council for Rentals of the Community of Madrid in all initiatives to promote and disseminate arbitration, and reciprocally, they will count on the Council for anything they consider appropriate and which may contribute to the same end.

This year, 2021, the Annual Conference on Arbitration is also scheduled to be held once again, one of the most well-known and multitudinous events organised by the Arbitration Council, which has already been held nine times, with the participation of arbitrators and professionals of recognised prestige in the sector.

With the new protocol signatures, the aim is to continue with the work of dissemination and promotion of domestic arbitration in those everyday areas where arbitration is a method of dispute resolution characterised not only by its confidentiality and effectiveness, but also by its efficiency and speed, constituting a genuine alternative to the judicial process.

The Council's arbitration agreement can take the form of a clause incorporated into any urban property lease contract; or, in the event that it is not included as a contractual clause, as an independent agreement agreed by the parties at a later date, once the dispute has arisen between them.

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