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Jaime  Yélamos Bermúdez-Coronel

Jaime Yélamos Bermúdez-Coronel

Director Vcard

Jaime Yélamos is a Director at Andersen in the Employment Law department of the Seville office.

Previously, he worked at MA Abogados and Bufete Yélamos Abogados.

Jaime has more than nine years of experience as a lawyer, during which time he has specialised in the area of employment law, with special emphasis on labour litigation, having intervened in numerous legal proceedings at all levels (Courts; National High Court, High Courts of Justice, Supreme Court and International Courts).

In the academic field, he is a lecturer at IE Cajasol in the Master's Degree in Legal Consultancy for Companies, as well as in refresher courses and expert courses in the area of employment law.


  • Double Degree in Law and Political Science and Administration, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Master's Degree in Corporate Legal Consultancy, Universidad de Carlos III de Madrid

Academia and business

  • Sevilla BAR Association, ICAS


  • Spanish
  • English

Areas Employment Law and Social Security

Office Sevilla

Telephone +34 954 280 299


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