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Carlos Mínguez is a Partner at Andersen and he leads the Public and Regulatory Law Department in the Madrid, Valencia and Seville offices.
Previously he worked at Uría Menéndez.
He belongs to the Higher Body of State Civil Administrators, on leave of absence, and has carried out his functions, taking care of different responsibilities in the General Administration of the State and in the Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana.
Carlos Mínguez has nearly 20 years of experience in public contracting, public service management, public finance, public administration liability, public property, natural resources, energy and the environment. During his professional career, he has also specialized in Port Legislation - mines and water.
He is also a professor of administrative law, contentious-administrative procedural law and environmental law at the Universidad Católica de Valencia. In addition, Carlos has been recognized as one of the best lawyers in the area of environment by Best Lawyers.
- Degree in Law with specialization in Public Law, University of Valencia
- Program in Leadership for Public Management, IESE University of Navarra
Academia and business
Valencia Bar Association, ICAV
Professional Association of State Civil Administrators
Areas Urban Planning and Environmental Law Energy Public and Regulatory Law
Office Valencia
Telephone +34 963 527 546
Search directory
The new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (“CBAM”) | Analysis, implications and impact
Andersen's Public & Tax team analyses the impact and implications of CBAM -
Andersen advises eCombustible Energy in the development of hydrogen plants to supply fuel to Grupo Pamesa
The US company will generate hydrogen-based fuel that will allow the ceramics company to progressively replace the natural gas used in its furnaces -
Financing Projects for Economic Recovery: leveraging European Funds
Andersen organised, together with the Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros this webinar to discuss the latest developments related to European funds for economic recovery -
Green hydrogen: regulatory challenges
Achieving the goal of decarbonisation of the European economy by 2050 will require the massive use of technologies based on the use of hydrogen from renewable sources over the coming decades -
Next Generation EU Funds: the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism as a key tool for Member States' economic recovery and transformation
Andersen held a webinar with representatives of the European Commission and the Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union to analyse the state of play of the implementation process of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism. -
The EU requires that 70% of non-reimbursable financial aid from European funds be committed by 2022
The Regulation creates the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism with the objective of providing financial assistance to Member States to achieve the reforms and investments set out in the national recovery and resilience plans -
The TSJCV recognises the right to retroactively receive the horizontal career allowance for Generalitat interim staff
This is a pioneering ruling for the interim staff of the Regional Ministry of Health, the result of the work carried out by Andersen's administrative law team, which opens the door for interim public employees to claim payment of the salary supplements they have not received over the last four years -
Cancellation of BAT Conclusions on large combustion plants
The judgment of the General Court admits an appeal on points of law before the Court of Justice -
The CNMC approves the Circular regulating the right of access and connection to transmission and distribution networks
The Circular aims to streamline permitting, ensure equality and non-discrimination of operators and optimise the use of transmission and distribution networks -
New regulation on access and connection to the energy transmission and distribution networks
In the light of Royal Decree 1183/2020 of 29th December on access and connection to the electricity transmission and distribution networks, with the intention of adapting to EU requirements and facing up to the new reality of the sector -
The Supreme Court recognises the power of the administration to impose emission limit values in an IEA even though they are not covered by a previous standard
Regarding the High Court's judgment of 3rd November 2020 -
The new government roadmap for mining: a lot of work for Spain to do
Carlos Mínguez analyzes the Spanish regulatory framework for the use of these resources -
The Impact of COVID-19 on Administrative Law Institutions
Andersen's Public and Regulatory Law team publishes a book on the Impact of COVID-19 on Administrative Law Institutions -
New public consultation on the proposed CNMC access and connection circular
The new text takes the changes made to the organisation of access and connection by RDL 23/2020 into account -
The new Valencian Decree-Law for the promotion of renewable energies: highs and lows
In Valencia Plaza Carlos Mínguez analyses plaza the measures contained in the Decree Law approved by the Generalitat to accelerate the implementation of facilities for the use of renewable energy -
The Supreme Court questions the legality of sanctions imposed in proceedings in which non-civil servants have been significantly involved
Regarding the Supreme Court's Ruling No. 1160/2020 -
The deadline for waiving applications and permits for access and connection ends
Regarding Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 of 23rd June, which approves measures in the field of energy and other areas for economic recovery and establishes that 25th September will be the deadline for renouncing applications and permits for access and connection, without the seizure of guarantees -
Developments in the Valencian Decree Law on the acceleration of the implementation of installations for the harnessing of renewable energies
Regarding Decree Law 14/2020 of 7th August, published in the Diario Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government Official Gazette) -
Emergency analysis of new measures in electricity production
Regarding Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 of 23rd June approving measures in the field of energy and other areas for economic recovery -
Resumption of tendering deadlines and improvements in the regulation of public contracts
Regarding 5th May Royal Decree-Law 17/2020, approving measures to support the cultural sector and of a tax nature to deal with the economic and social impact of the COVID-2019 -
Further adjustments to the simplified open procedure of the Public Contracts Act
Regarding 28th April Royal Decree Law 16/2020 on procedural and organisational measures to deal with COVID-19 in the scope of the administration of justice -
Main measures in the administrative and public procurement fields included in Royal Decree Law 15/2020
Regarding Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 of 21st April on urgent supplementary measures to support the economy and employment -
Application of recoverable paid leave in the industrial sector
Analysis of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism explanatory note on the application of the recoverable paid leave approved by RD-Law 10/2020 of 29 March in the industrial sector -
Main measures in relation to extension and the calculation of administrative deadlines arising from COVID-19
31st March Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19 -
Main local law measures arising from COVID-19
Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of 31st March, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19 -
Main measures on public procurement in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 11/2020
COVID-19 | Administrative measures
Practical view of the developments introduced by RD 463/2020, Royal Decree Law 7/2020 of 12th March and Royal Decree Law 8/2020 of 17th March on urgent exceptional measures to deal with the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 -
Energy experts call for ambitious regulatory measures to reach 2030 target
The Declaration on the Climate and Environmental Emergency in Spain includes programmatic measures but does not improve the regulation that facilitates investment and allows the execution of these measures. The autonomous regions should take advantage of the regulatory margin they have to facilitate the framework of the procedure and be able to achieve the EU's objective -
Will August 2020 be a holiday month? Focus on the Supreme Court's Order of October 28, 2019
With regard to the appeal (No 5041/2019) against the order of the Administrative Chamber of 4 April -
Empty Spain runs out of medicines: lack of aid puts rural pharmacy in danger of extinction
Carlos Mínguez analyses the measures to be taken by the future government to guarantee the viability of rural chemists in Vozpópuli -
Best Lawyers 2020 recognizes 54 Andersen Tax & Legal professionals among the best lawyers in Spain
In this edition, Andersen Tax & Legal in Spain has 54 outstanding professionals with a total of 81 distinctions, among them, Maria Olleros, Tax area partner, who has been recognized as 'Lawyer of the Year' in Venture Capital -
Regeneration and urban renewal as the cornerstone of new urban planning
Andersen Tax & Legal holds the second edition of the urbanism forum in the Valencia office -
The CNMC declares that the date that determines the capacity of an installation in the transport network is that of sending the request to the sole interlocutor node. (IUN)
In relation to the Resolution of the conflict of access to the electricity network of Spain, S.A., motivated by the refusal given to a request for access (Expte. CFT/DE/056) -
The mobility revolution and its required good governance
Carlos Mínguez and Carlos Morales analyze current mobility policies in an article published in the newspaper El Economista -
Carlos Mínguez asserts that innovation generates many business opportunities
Carlos Mínguez participates in the IV Industrial Forum Comunitat Valenciana "Innovation and sustainability" organized by El Economista -
Sustainable and efficient mobility requires formulas for public-private collaboration
Concern about climate change has led to the emergence of new forms of urban mobility that are more environmentally respectful, affecting both public and private sector companies. The implementation of an effective mobility strategy requires the coordination of the different administrations. -
The crisis of rural pharmacies: obsolescence of the legal framework, precarious employment and economic inefficiency
Carlos Mínguez and Patricia Mendilibar analyze in the newspaperfarma the crisis that are suffering the rural pharmacies affected by "España vacía" (Empty Spain) -
The Central Administrative Court admits the indirect challenge of the Sheets in cases of nullity of full right
Concerning TACRC Resolutions 25 July 2019, rec. no. 70/2019 and 28 October 2019, rec. no. 904/2019 -
The Supreme Court declares that public procurement law applies subsidiarily and complements the regulations governing mining tenders
Regarding the Supreme Court's Judgment of October 22, 2019 -
The Supreme Court sets doctrine and recognizes the right of interim civil servants to receive the career supplement retroactively
Regarding of the Supreme Court's decision of 29 October 2019 -
LOTUP Amendment Extends Scope of Responsible Declaration to Simplify Urban Procedures
The Decree that the Consell foresees the imminent approval will imply a simplification of the urbanistic procedures relative to the obtaining of the corresponding authorizing urbanistic titles that legitimize, in general, the execution of works and implantation of uses -
Andersen Tax & Legal in Spain Welcomes Partners Carlos Mínguez and Belén Palao
The BLN Palao Abogados team has been incorporated as part of the firm's commitment to the specialization and reinforcement of this area which is considered strategic in the coming years. Carlos Mínguez joins the firm from Uría Menéndez toghether with three lawyers and he will lead the Pablic Law department in the Valencia office
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