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Juan Manuel Castillo

Juan Manuel Castillo

Director vCard

Juan Manuel Castillo is currently Director of Andersen's Corporate Law practice in the Madrid office.

He has more than 12 years of experience as a lawyer specialising in commercial law. He joined DAYA in 2013 until 2018, where he specialised in corporate transactions and corporate law.

During the following three years, he was part of the M&A department of Ramón y Cajal Abogados, advising on all types of transactions and mergers and acquisitions, guiding listed companies and investment funds and private equity both Spanish and foreign.

In 2021 he rejoined DAYA Abogados as head of the M&A department.


  • Degree in Law, Universidad San Pablo CEU.

  • Master's Degree in Corporate Insolvency, Universidad San Pablo CEU.

  • Master's Degree in Corporate Legal Consultancy, Escuela de Práctica Jurídica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Academia and business

  • Madrid BAR Association, ICAM.


  • Spanish
  • English

Kompetenzen Handelsrecht und M&A

Büro Madrid

Telefonnummer +34 917 813 300



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