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The cadastral value may generate an over taxation in the taxes it affects | Events | Tax | Public and Regulatory Law | Urban Planning and Environmental Law
Conference: The review of cadastral values to optimise property taxation
The new Public Procurement Law requires rigorous enforcement by Administrations to maximize resources | Events | Public and Regulatory Law
Conference on public procurement organised by the FVMP
Completion of the II Compliance Officers Course | Events | Corporate Compliance
Last Friday, December 1st, the second Compliance Officers course, organised by Farmaforum Formación and Andersen Tax & Legal, ended, after nine days of content related to the world of pharmaceutical compliance
Courts put an end to unfairness in banking clauses | Events
Event hosted by the President of the High Court of Justice of Castilla y León, José Luis Concepción
The General Data Protection Regulation provides legal certainty for new businesses and protects the fundamental rights of natural persons | Events | Privacy, IT & Digital Business
Francisco Fonseca stressed that this Regulation respects all the rights that are enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Law applicable to cross-border successions in the EU | Events
Over half a million families are involved in a cross-border succession every year, with some international component
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