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121 results. Showing from 1 to 121
European Guide to Support Businesses | COVID-19 Impact | Debt Restructuring and Insolvency | COVID-19 | Restructuring and InsolvencyEuropean Business Support Guide on Restructuring and Insolvency that different countries in Europe have put in place to alleviate the effects of COVID-19
European Guide to Support Employers | Teleworking in Europe | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityGuide that provides employers with important information on the introduction and implementation of telework in the individual European countries
Guide to Avoiding Serious Telecommuting Penalties | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyses the employment activity in which until now there was a huge legislative gap and the worker representation to which remote workers will have a right
Spain, one of the EU countries with most restrictions on foreign investment due to Covid | COVID-19 | News | Corporate Law and M&AIgnacio Aparicio explains that Spain is at the forefront of restrictions because of the breadth of sectors it covers in Expansión
Royal Decree-Law 25/2020 of 3 July on urgent measures to support economic recovery and employment | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social Security
Royal Decree-Law 24/2020, of 26th June, on social measures for the reactivation of employment and protection of self-employment and competitiveness of the industrial sector | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social Security
Emergency analysis of new measures in electricity production | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&A | Public and Regulatory Law | EnergyRegarding Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 of 23rd June approving measures in the field of energy and other areas for economic recovery
Normality in the real estate sector | COVID-19 | News | Real EstateAntonio Ñudi analyses what the new normality in the real estate sector will be like and what measures are necessary for its recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic
The SDPA rules on the treatment of health data related to COVID-19 in the offer and search for employment | COVID-19 | Privacy, IT & Digital Business
The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on international arbitration | COVID-19 | News | International ArbitrationIñigo Rodríguez-Sastre and Elena Sevila analyse the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on international arbitration
European Guide to support Employers | COVID-19 Impact | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityGuide to all employee support measures that different countries in Europe have put in place to alleviate the effects of COVID-19
Urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to address the health crisis caused by COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding the 9th June Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19
29th May Royal Decree-Law 20/2020 establishing the Minimum Income Scheme | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding 29th May Royal Decree-Law 20/2020 establishing the Minimum Income Scheme
Recovery Plan: an opportunity for Europe's digital transformation | COVID-19 | News | LitigationVicente Moret analyses the plan which aims to strengthen Europe's competitiveness, resilience and position as a global player
26th May Royal Decree Law 19/2020 adopting supplementary measures in the agricultural, scientific, economic, employment and social security and tax fields to alleviate the effects of COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding the 26th May Royal Decree-Law 19/2020, adopting supplementary measures in the agricultural, scientific, economic, employment and social security and tax areas to alleviate the effects of COVID-19
Financial entities Sectoral framework agreements and moratoria developments included in RD 19/2020 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding the 26th May Royal Decree-Law 19/2020, adopting supplementary measures in the agricultural, scientific, economic, employment and social security and tax areas to alleviate the effects of COVID-19
Criminal liability in the management of the Covid-19 crisis | COVID-19 | News | Criminal LawIn the light of the ongoing lawsuits, an analysis is made of the types of criminal offences in which the action or omission of the Government or the Autonomous Communities in the management of the crisis could be subsumed
Post COVID-19 Global Employment Plan | Back to the office | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityThe importance of an accurate employment/law strategy
Main measures of Royal Decree Law 19/2020 on tax and corporate matters in relation to COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Tax | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding 26th May Royal Decree-Law 19/2020, adopting supplementary measures in the agricultural, scientific, economic, employment and social security and tax areas to alleviate the effects of COVID-19
Fifth extension of the State of Alert and resumption of deadlines | COVID-19Regarding the 22nd May Royal Decree 537/2020, extending the state of alert declared by Royal Decree 463/2020
Employment Developments 2020: 12th May Royal Decree-Law 18/2020 on social measures to defend employment | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding the 12th May Royal Decree-Law 18/2020 on social measures to defend employment
ERTE workers who refuse to rejoin can be dismissed | COVID-19 | News | Public and Regulatory LawAlfredo Aspra analyzes the decision of the Madrid High Court of Justice (TSJ) of Madrid
Tourism, commerce, and hotel industry will be able to dismiss more easily after the ERTE | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyses the time register that the unions use to challenge ERTE
Resumption of tendering deadlines and improvements in the regulation of public contracts | COVID-19 | Public and Regulatory LawRegarding 5th May Royal Decree-Law 17/2020, approving measures to support the cultural sector and of a tax nature to deal with the economic and social impact of the COVID-2019
Measures taken in the scope of Covid-19 social welfare: Availability of vested rights in pension plans | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding the 21st April Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 on urgent additional measures to support the economy and employment
European Data Protection Committee guidelines on the use of location data and other tracking tools in the context of COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Privacy, IT & Digital Business
The COVID-19 health crisis: Impact on and implications for the Spanish Insurance Sector | COVID-19 | Litigation
Economic measures to support the performing arts and music | COVID-19 | Culture, Sports & EntertainmentRegarding the publication of 5th May Royal Decree-Law 17/2020, approving support measures for the cultural sector and measures of a fiscal nature to deal with the economic and social impact of the COVID-2019
Support measures for the cultural sector to address the situation arising from COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Culture, Sports & EntertainmentAnalysis and thoughts on support measures for the cultural sector to address the situation arising from COVID-19
Exceptional unemployment benefit regulated by Article 33 of Royal Decree Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social Security
The Directorate General for Employment’s criterion on extension and withdrawal in furlough schemes | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social Security
Refusal of medical examination is grounds for dismissal | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra explains that the worker's refusal to carry out the obligatory medical examination was unjustified and therefore he does not see that the dismissal is null in El Economista
Amendments introduced in relation to previously approved measures to support tenants of primary residences under the Fourth Final Provision of Royal Decree-Law 16/2020 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding Royal Decree Law 16/2020 of 28 April on procedural and organisational measures to deal with COVID-19 in the area of the administration of justice
Bankruptcy measures approved by 28th April Royal Decree-Law 16/2020 | COVID-19 | Restructuring and InsolvencyRegarding Royal Decree-Law 16/2020 which provides for important insolvency measures such as the postponement of the duty to request the opening of the liquidation phase or to file an application for insolvency proceedings, modification of the creditors' agreement or incentives for the financing of companies, among others
Further adjustments to the simplified open procedure of the Public Contracts Act | COVID-19 | Public and Regulatory LawRegarding 28th April Royal Decree Law 16/2020 on procedural and organisational measures to deal with COVID-19 in the scope of the administration of justice
Main employment-related measures in relation to COVID-19 adopted by the 28th April Royal Decree Law 16/2020 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding the 28th April Royal Decree Law 16/2020 on procedural and organisational measures to deal with COVID-19 in the area of the administration of justice
Analysis and first assessments of the 28th April Royal Decree-Law 16/2020, on procedural and organisational measures to deal with Covid-19 in the scope of the Administration of Justice | COVID-19 | LitigationRegarding 28th April Royal Decree Law 16/2020 on procedural and organisational measures to deal with COVID-19 in the area of the administration of justice
Effects of Royal Decree Law 16/2020 on both approved creditors' agreements and refinancing agreements | COVID-19 | Restructuring and InsolvencyRegarding Royal Decree-Law 16/2020 of 28th April
COVID-19 regulations and their impact on the renewable energy sector | COVID-19 | News | Corporate Law and M&A | EnergyThe approved regulations establish the suspension of administrative deadlines but nothing is said about the suspension of contractual deadlines
New extraordinary measures for the agri-food sector: temporary flexibility of the Fund for the Promotion and Education of Cooperatives and promotion of the Special System for Agricultural Workers provided for by Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 | COVID-19 | Agrifood | Tax | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding the publication of 21st April Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 adopting additional urgent measures to support the economy and employment
FAQs | Impact of COVID-19 on transfer pricing policies | COVID-19 | TaxFrequently asked questions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on transfer pricing policies
Main measures concerning the use of certain audio-visual rights relating to football matches and support for science and technology parks, research staff and university students | COVID-19 | Culture, Sports & EntertainmentRegarding Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 of 21st April on urgent supplementary measures to support the economy and employment
Main measures on tax and customs matters and indirect taxation in relation to COVID-19 included in Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 | COVID-19 | TaxRegarding Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 of 21st April on urgent supplementary measures to support the economy and employment
Main measures in the administrative and public procurement fields included in Royal Decree Law 15/2020 | COVID-19 | Public and Regulatory LawRegarding Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 of 21st April on urgent supplementary measures to support the economy and employment
Main measures in corporate matters introduced by Royal Decree Law 15/2020 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 of 21st April on urgent supplementary measures to support the economy and employment
Main employment-related measures in relation to COVID-19 adopted by the 21st April Royal Decree Law 15/2020 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 of 21st April on urgent supplementary measures to support the economy and employment
The small print of duty-free imports of goods to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak | COVID-19 | News | TaxRegarding the European's Commission Decision 2020/491 on the granting of relief from import duties and VAT on the import of goods, needed to combat the effects of the outbreak of COVID-19
National Social Security Institute (TGSS) guide for moratoriums, postponement of quotas, furlough schemes and reductions in working hours & Instructions for signing off in COVID-19 situations | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social Security
Cybersecurity and health; a reflection in times of crisis | COVID-19 | News | Cybersecurity | LitigationVicente Moret and José Miguel Soriano analyse cybersecurity in institutions and companies that are responsible for health management
All companies must negotiate with the trade unions | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyses if the company should go to the unions in an article published in El Economista
Cinematographic and audiovisual works may be rated on a remote basis | COVID-19 | Culture, Sports & EntertainmentThe Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (Institute of Film and the Audio-visual Arts) enables the modality of remote rating of cinematographic and audio-visual works
Tax measures approved by Royal Decree Law 14/2020 extending the deadline for the submission and payment of certain tax returns and self-assessments | COVID-19 | TaxExtension of deadlines for mitigating the effects of COVID-19 on small contributors
The lifting of limitations on the presentation of documents by telematic means | COVID-19 | Litigation13th April 2020 Decision by the Minister of Justice and the Permanent Commission of the General Council of the Judiciary of adapting the provision of public justice services to Royal Decree 487/2020
Implementation of technical guide 4/2017 for the assessment of knowledge and skills of staff providing information and advice | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ACommuniqué from the CNMV on Technical Guide 4/2017 for the evaluation of the knowledge and skills of personnel who informs and advise, regarding exams
On the recommendations and measures to be adopted to protect personal data in mobility situations and teleworking in the context of COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Privacy, IT & Digital BusinessAEPD recommendations to protect personal data in situations of mobility and telework
Urgent measures regarding agricultural employment | COVID-19 | Agrifood7th April Royal Decree-Law 13/2020 of adopting certain urgent measures on agricultural employment
The two sides of the fiscal policy to pay the coronavirus "Bill” | COVID-19 | News | TaxMiguel Ángel Galán explains that the objective is not to asphyxiate companies and self-employed people, as these must be the ones to make the country recover, in ABC
The European Central Bank recommends suspending dividend distributions during the COVID-19 pandemic | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&A27th March 2020 ECB Recommendation on dividend distributions during the COVID-19 pandemic and therefore repealing Recommendation ECB/2020/1
Expats in time of Coronavirus | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra explains that expatriates have the right to request not to provide the services for which they have been hired, but this does not imply repatriation, in El País
Possible consequences of Covid-19 on the duration and holiday periods of workers | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityQuestions raised by employers and employees on the length and days of holidays in the present year 2020
Suspension of contracts due to COVID-19: not everything is valid | COVID-19 | News | LitigationContractual obligations should be examined on a case-by-case basis to determine whether compliance could be suspended because of COVID-19. The special situation of tour operators
Main measures concerning the leasing of main residence approved in relation to COVID-19, by means of 31st March Royal Decree Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 on urgent supplementary measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
Measures for the protection of consumers in contracts for the sale of goods and the provision of services approved by Royal Decree Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding the 31st March Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 of, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic sphere to deal with COVID-19
Main measures for companies and the self-employed in relation to COVID-19, approved by the 31st March Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding the 31st March Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
Main measures in corporate matters that have been amended by Royal Decree Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 on urgent supplementary measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
Impact of COVID-19 on the aviation sector and the compatibility of crisis measures with competition law | COVID-19 | Anti-Trust Law and European Union Law
Tax measures approved by the Regions of Madrid and Valencia to address the impact of the Covid-19 | COVID-19 | TaxBoth autonomous communities extend deadlines for the submission of declarations and self-assessments
Application of recoverable paid leave in the industrial sector | COVID-19 | Public and Regulatory LawAnalysis of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism explanatory note on the application of the recoverable paid leave approved by RD-Law 10/2020 of 29 March in the industrial sector
Business owner, you are not alone | COVID-19 | NewsThe Government has passed a series of decrees containing numerous measures, but what about small and/or medium-sized businesses?
Main measures in relation to extension and the calculation of administrative deadlines arising from COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Public and Regulatory Law31st March Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
Main local law measures arising from COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRoyal Decree-Law 11/2020, of 31st March, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
Main measures on public procurement in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | Public and Regulatory Law
Financial banking developments in relation to COVID-19 and limitations on foreign investment set out in Royal Decree Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | Banking and FinanceRoyal Decree-Law 11/2020, of 31st March, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
New measures on leases, mortgage debts and consumer protection measures in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | LitigationRoyal Decree-Law 11/2020, of 31 March, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
News on employment matters in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 11/2020 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityThe 31st March Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
Tax developments contained in Royal Decree Law 11/2020 to address COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Tax31st March Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic field to deal with COVID-19
Recoverable paid leave for employees of non-essential services during COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRoyal Decree Law 10/2020 of 29th March 2020 regulating recoverable paid leave for employees who do not provide essential services, in order to reduce population mobility in the context of the fight against COVID-19
Extension of the state of alert declared by Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14th March, and new employment regulations in Royal Decree Law 9/2020, of 27th March, which adopts supplementary measures in the employment sphere to alleviate the effects of COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding RD-Law 9/2020, of 27th March, which adopts supplementary measures, in the employment sphere, to alleviate the effects of COVID-19
Line of guarantees to ensure the liquidity of the self-employed and companies before the COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ACouncil of Ministers 24th March agreement
COVID-19 | Administrative measures | COVID-19 | Public and Regulatory LawPractical view of the developments introduced by RD 463/2020, Royal Decree Law 7/2020 of 12th March and Royal Decree Law 8/2020 of 17th March on urgent exceptional measures to deal with the economic and social impact of the COVID-19
On developments in State aid in the context of the COVID-19 emergency | COVID-19 | Anti-Trust Law and European Union LawRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on merger control | COVID-19 | Anti-Trust Law and European Union LawAs defined in Royal Decree 463/2020 declaring the state of alarm
Compliance with tax obligations during the health crisis | COVID-19 | TaxDeadlines for presentation and payment of self-assessments and informative declarations not affected by the suspension or extension of deadlines regulated in RD 463/2020, which the state of alert institutes
The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) specifies the procedures it will follow during the state of alert | COVID-19 | Intellectual PropertyRegarding the SPTO Decision dated 25th March 2020 related to COVID-19
Industrial Property Offices Announce Extensions of Deadlines due to Covid-19 | COVID-19 | Intellectual PropertyFollowing the declaration of the state of alert approved by Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14th March
Cooperation agreements and the application of competition law in the exceptional context caused by COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Anti-Trust Law and European Union Law
Practical questions on leases and eviction procedures during the COVID-19 health crisis | COVID-19 | LitigationRegarding the Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Quarantine for all except income tax | COVID-19 | News | TaxTomás Rivero explains in Expanxión that the machinery of the Tax Agency related to the presentation of the different taxes corresponding to the State does not stop despite the extraordinary situation that we live due to COVID-19
Liability of the directors during the state of alert due to insolvency or cause for dissolution | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent exceptional measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Compensation following the requisition of property or rights of individuals due to the state of alert | COVID-19 | Publications | Public and Regulatory LawAnalysis of the compensation following the requisition of property or rights of individuals due to the state of alert
Tax measures included in Decree-Law 1/2020, of 18 March, approving urgent measures to respond to the impact caused by the coronavirus health crisis (COVID-19) | COVID-19 | TaxOn 19th March 2020, Decreto-Ley Foral 1/2020 of 18 March was published in the Boletín Oficial de Navarra (BON). In the field of taxation, it includes the following measures
Financial and tax support measures for the economic sector to combat the effects of the evolution of COVID-19 in Andalusia | COVID-19 | TaxRegarding the 16th March Decree-Law 3/2020, on financial and tax support measures for the economic sector, speeding up administrative actions and social emergency measures to combat the effects of the evolution of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Andalusia
Suspension of scheduled criminal proceedings, procedural deadlines and alterations to the prison system due to the COVID-19 health crisis | COVID-19 | LitigationRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent exceptional measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Recommendations on cybersecurity in the teleworking environment issued by the National Cryptographic Centre and the European Agency for Cybersecurity | COVID-19 | Cybersecurity | Privacy, IT & Digital BusinessRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent exceptional measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Main measures in the area of taxation and customs and indirect taxation in relation to COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Publications | TaxRegarding Royal Decree 463/2020 declaring the state of alert for health crisis management and Royal Decree-Law 7/2020 adopting a series of measures to respond to the economic impact of COVID-19
Main measures related to COVID-19 in the employment sphere adopted by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 | COVID-19 | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent exceptional measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Main tax measures approved in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 | COVID-19 | TaxRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Main measures in commercial matters approved in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 | COVID-19 | Corporate Law and M&ARegarding the Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Main accounting measures approved in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 and their impact on the Annual Accounts | COVID-19 | Accounts LawRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Main financial banking measures adopted by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 related to COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Banking and FinanceRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Main measures in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 | COVID-19 | Restructuring and InsolvencyRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
Main public law and regulatory measures in relation to COVID-19 adopted by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 | COVID-19 | Public and Regulatory LawRegarding Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19
And when will we have employment measures? | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyzes the necessary measures of temporary and exceptional character that must be taken to approach the empoyment problem generated by the incidence of the new coronavirus in an article that is published in Expansión
Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March, declaring the state of alert for the management of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Publications | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March, declaring the state of alert for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19
Urgent fiscal measures adopted in relation to COVID-19 | COVID-19 | Publications | TaxUrgent fiscal measures adopted by the government to respond to the economic impact of COVID-19
European Data Protection Committee pronouncement on data processing in relation to health emergencies | COVID-19 | Publications | Privacy, IT & Digital BusinessEuropean Data Protection Committee Declaration in the context of the COVID-19 emergency
The AEPD establishes guidelines for the treatment of health data in relation to Covid-19 | COVID-19 | Publications | Privacy, IT & Digital BusinessRegarding the current emergency caused by COVID-19, on 12 March 2020
Large companies and SMEs from all sectors consider starting ERTE and ERE because of the coronavirus crisis | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyzes the concerns of the companies of the different sectors to initiate ERTE and ERE before the crisis of the coronavirus and alert of possible conflicts in sectors like banking in Expansión
Coronavirus | Royal Decree-Law 6/2020 of 10th March adopting certain urgent measures in the economic sphere and for the protection of public health | COVID-19 | Publications | Employment Law and Social SecurityRegarding Royal Decree-Law 6/2020 of 10th March
Coronavirus | Possible employment measures and other issues of concern | COVID-19 | Publications | Employment Law and Social SecurityAnalysis of the measures adopted by the Community of Madrid regarding the evolution of the Covid-19 from an employment point of view
The self-employed can replace employees to maintain their activity | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyzes if the company can be denounced for isolating a healthy worker in an article published by El Economista
Workers cannot close the company: the Inspectorate must act Workers cannot close the company: the Inspectorate must act | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyzes the guide of the Employment Ministry in an article published today by El Economista
Huge Concern | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Asptra analyzes the activity unilaterally by the worker who collects the guide of the Ministry before the coronavirus
Companies against Covid-19 | COVID-19 | Publications | Employment Law and Social Security | Corporate Law and M&A | LitigationGiven the crisis of Covid-19, also known as Coronavirus, companies must be aware of the legal contingencies that this crisis may cause. We refer to employment relations, possible litigation or commercial considerations, among others
A suspicion of contagion is not enough to leave the workplace | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyzes the legal keys of how to deal with the coronavirus in a report published today by El Economista
Time control must be maintained if teleworking is adopted | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra explains that companies must promote hygiene rules among their staff to avoid the risk of infection by the coronavirus in El Economista
Employment experts already advising companies to make contingency plans | COVID-19 | News | Employment Law and Social SecurityAlfredo Aspra analyses the measures that companies should adopt in the face of the coronavirus crisis in El Economista
Coronavirus | Practical recommendations from the occupational and preventive point of view | COVID-19 | Publications | Employment Law and Social SecurityPossible actions and recommendations to be carried out by employers from an employment and preventive point of view
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